Tim's Roaring River Fishing Report





Tim Homesley has been fishing Roaring River State Park for over 30 years, and has fished an average of 300 days per year for the last 23 years.




Roaring River is still running at 54CFS this is not high water. This is very good water for fishing. The water has remained clear so 2 pound line is very important right now. You can get by with 4 pound for a little while in the morning, but after that, if you can, you should switch out to a good quality 2 pound line.

Fly fishing has been very good black, brown, olive green, and tan woolly buggers have been working very well. and Maribou jigs. The same colors have been very good. White jigs work well in the morning normally when the sun comes up, I will switch out to a darker color black and olive are the two colors I switched to most often
Para bait was very effective this last week. The yellow 1 inch crawlers caught a lot of trout this last weekend. Pink and brown were decent. White power bait eggs were very good this week. Pink was pretty good. A lot of fish were caught on the chocolate brown family fishing eggs.

If you fished a spinner, black, skunk,frog, and brown did well, there were quite a few fish caught on pink and on white spinners this past week.

Small crankbaits like a rebel crawdad or a rapala minnow did pretty good this last week. If you are going to fly fish, I would not use a leader larger than 6X right now. A 9 foot is a good leader to use right, dry, fly fishing has been very good. We have been catching lots of trout on elk hair caddis, blue wing, olives, Griffith's gnats, black ants, and beetles are already catching a few trout. If you want to nymph fish, I would probably use a pheasant tail, a burlap, a black zebra midge, copper John's and sell bugs and scuds have been catching lots of trout. San Juan worms in pink, red, and cheese yellow have been pretty good. The chamois worm will catch fish pretty much every day and so will the mop flies.

Updated 3/9/25

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Guide Phil Glaze, now working through Tim's Fly Shop







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Guide Phil Glaze












Tim caught this 20" McCloud River rainbow out of Crane Creek. 







Here's a beautiful 15-lb, 31 1/2" Char that Tim Homesley caught on a trip to Alaska.




For the latest water conditions from the USGS, log on to http://waterdata.usgs.gov:80/nwis/uv?07050152 .













Tim's Fly Shop

23387 State Hwy 112

Cassville, Missouri 65625

(417) 847-4956 phone

(417) 847-0826 fax



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